From 4def7f116c932b9e713545fcde3054d293647dc9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: VonC <>
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 13:37:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add QUnit.js unit tests for attributes in Markdown slides.

 test/test-markdown-attributes.html | 71 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/test-markdown-attributes.js   | 31 +++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 102 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 test/test-markdown-attributes.html
 create mode 100644 test/test-markdown-attributes.js

diff --git a/test/test-markdown-attributes.html b/test/test-markdown-attributes.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..780f2be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-markdown-attributes.html
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+	<head>
+		<meta charset="utf-8">
+		<title>reveal.js - Test Markdown Attributes</title>
+		<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/reveal.min.css">
+		<link rel="stylesheet" href="qunit-1.12.0.css">
+	</head>
+	<body style="overflow: auto;">
+		<div id="qunit"></div>
+  		<div id="qunit-fixture"></div>
+		<div class="reveal" style="display: none;">
+			<div class="slides">
+				<!-- <section data-markdown="" data-separator="^\n\n\n" data-vertical="^\n\n"></section> -->
+				<!-- Slides are separated by three lines, vertical slides by two lines, attributes are one any line starting with (spaces and) two dashes -->
+				<section 	data-markdown data-separator="^\n\n\n"
+									data-vertical="^\n\n"
+									data-notes="^Note:"
+                 	data-attributes="^\s*?--\s(.*?)$"
+                 	data-charset="utf-8">
+					<script type="text/template">
+						# Test attributes in Markdown
+						## Slide 1
+						## Slide 2
+						-- id="slide2" data-transition="zoom" data-background="#A0C66B"
+						## Slide 2.1
+						-- data-background="#ff0000" data-transition="fade"
+						## Slide 2.2
+						[Link to Slide2](#/slide2)
+						## Slide 3
+						-- data-transition="zoom" data-background="#C6916B"
+						## Slide 4
+					</script>
+				</section>
+			</div>
+		</div>
+		<script src="../lib/js/head.min.js"></script>
+		<script src="../js/reveal.min.js"></script>
+		<script src="../plugin/markdown/marked.js"></script>
+		<script src="../plugin/markdown/markdown.js"></script>
+		<script src="qunit-1.12.0.js"></script>
+		<script src="test-markdown-attributes.js"></script>
+	</body>
diff --git a/test/test-markdown-attributes.js b/test/test-markdown-attributes.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0d8436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-markdown-attributes.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Reveal.addEventListener( 'ready', function() {
+  QUnit.module( 'Markdown' );
+  test( 'Vertical separator', function() {
+    strictEqual( document.querySelectorAll( '.reveal .slides>section>section' ).length, 3, 'found three vertical slides' );
+  });
+  test( 'Id on slide', function() {
+    strictEqual( document.querySelectorAll( '.reveal .slides>section>section#slide2' ).length, 1, 'found one slide with id slide2' );
+    strictEqual( document.querySelectorAll( '.reveal .slides>section>section a[href="#/slide2"]' ).length, 1, 'found one slide with a link to slide2' );
+  });
+  test( 'data-background attributes', function() {
+    strictEqual( document.querySelectorAll( '.reveal .slides>section>section[data-background="#A0C66B"]' ).length, 1, 'found one vertical slide with data-background="#A0C66B"' );
+    strictEqual( document.querySelectorAll( '.reveal .slides>section>section[data-background="#ff0000"]' ).length, 1, 'found one vertical slide with data-background="#ff0000"' );
+    strictEqual( document.querySelectorAll( '.reveal .slides>section[data-background="#C6916B"]' ).length, 1, 'found one slide with data-background="#C6916B"' );
+  });
+  test( 'data-transition attributes', function() {
+    strictEqual( document.querySelectorAll( '.reveal .slides>section>section[data-transition="zoom"]' ).length, 1, 'found one vertical slide with data-transition="zoom"' );
+    strictEqual( document.querySelectorAll( '.reveal .slides>section>section[data-transition="fade"]' ).length, 1, 'found one vertical slide with data-transition="fade"' );
+    strictEqual( document.querySelectorAll( '.reveal .slides section [data-transition="zoom"]' ).length, 1, 'found one slide with data-transition="zoom"' );
+  });
+} );