diff --git a/plugin/markdown/markdown.js b/plugin/markdown/markdown.js index 473666b87d2bb1b94b87119851a115ba2c659c1c..dcab2fab3faf6ccf021d3d09951b627fa13b0f5f 100755 --- a/plugin/markdown/markdown.js +++ b/plugin/markdown/markdown.js @@ -6,6 +6,14 @@ throw 'The reveal.js Markdown plugin requires marked to be loaded'; } + if (typeof hljs !== 'undefined') { + marked.setOptions({ + highlight: function (lang, code) { + return hljs.highlightAuto(lang, code).value; + } + }); + } + var stripLeadingWhitespace = function(section) { var template = section.querySelector( 'script' ); @@ -28,7 +36,7 @@ }; var twrap = function(el) { - return '<script type="text/template">' + el + '</script>'; + return marked(el); }; var getForwardedAttributes = function(section) { @@ -51,7 +59,7 @@ } return result.join( ' ' ); - } + }; var slidifyMarkdown = function(markdown, separator, vertical, attributes) { @@ -101,12 +109,12 @@ for( var k = 0, klen = sectionStack.length; k < klen; k++ ) { // horizontal if( typeof sectionStack[k] === 'string' ) { - markdownSections += '<section '+ attributes +' data-markdown>' + twrap( sectionStack[k] ) + '</section>'; + markdownSections += '<section '+ attributes +'>' + twrap( sectionStack[k] ) + '</section>'; } // vertical else { markdownSections += '<section '+ attributes +'>' + - '<section data-markdown>' + sectionStack[k].map(twrap).join('</section><section data-markdown>') + '</section>' + + '<section>' + sectionStack[k].map(twrap).join('</section><section>') + '</section>' + '</section>'; } }