diff --git a/plugin/notes/notes.html b/plugin/notes/notes.html
index 2a3b2ba27ccb00e1c543c5e24fc9b3de1df78ed6..9e9dfb5b5a9a4576cfde3cbe5abeac0abbe957b2 100644
--- a/plugin/notes/notes.html
+++ b/plugin/notes/notes.html
@@ -244,6 +244,9 @@
+				// Limit to max one state update per X ms
+				handleStateMessage = debounce( handleStateMessage, 200 );
 				 * Creates the preview iframes.
@@ -340,6 +343,37 @@
+				/**
+				 * Limits the frequency at which a function can be called.
+				 */
+				function debounce( fn, ms ) {
+					var lastTime = 0,
+						timeout;
+					return function() {
+						var args = arguments;
+						var context = this;
+						clearTimeout( timeout );
+						var timeSinceLastCall = Date.now() - lastTime;
+						if( timeSinceLastCall > ms ) {
+							fn.apply( context, args );
+							lastTime = Date.now();
+						}
+						else {
+							timeout = setTimeout( function() {
+								fn.apply( context, args );
+								lastTime = Date.now();
+							}, ms - timeSinceLastCall );
+						}
+					}
+				}