/** * Copyright (C) 2011 Hakim El Hattab, http://hakim.se * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * ############################################################################# * * Reveal.js is an easy to use HTML based slideshow enhanced by * sexy CSS 3D transforms. * * Slides are given unique hash based URL's so that they can be * opened directly. * * Public facing methods: * - Reveal.initialize( { ... options ... } ); * - Reveal.navigateTo( indexh, indexv ); * - Reveal.navigateLeft(); * - Reveal.navigateRight(); * - Reveal.navigateUp(); * - Reveal.navigateDown(); * * @author Hakim El Hattab | http://hakim.se * @version 1.2 */ var Reveal = (function(){ var HORIZONTAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR = '#reveal .slides>section', VERTICAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR = '#reveal .slides>section.present>section', // The horizontal and verical index of the currently active slide indexh = 0, indexv = 0, // Configurations options, can be overridden at initialization time config = { controls: false, progress: false, history: false, transition: 'default', theme: 'default', rollingLinks: true }, // Cached references to DOM elements dom = {}, // Detect support for CSS 3D transforms supports3DTransforms = document.body.style['perspectiveProperty'] !== undefined || document.body.style['WebkitPerspective'] !== undefined || document.body.style['MozPerspective'] !== undefined || document.body.style['msPerspective'] !== undefined, supports2DTransforms = document.body.style['transformProperty'] !== undefined || document.body.style['WebkitTransform'] !== undefined || document.body.style['MozTransform'] !== undefined || document.body.style['msTransform'] !== undefined || document.body.style['OTransform'] !== undefined; /** * Starts up the slideshow by applying configuration * options and binding various events. */ function initialize( options ) { if( !supports2DTransforms && !supports3DTransforms ) { document.body.setAttribute( 'class', 'no-transforms' ); // If the browser doesn't support transforms we won't be // using JavaScript to control the presentation return; } // Cache references to DOM elements dom.wrapper = document.querySelector( '#reveal' ); dom.progress = document.querySelector( '#reveal .progress' ); dom.progressbar = document.querySelector( '#reveal .progress span' ); dom.controls = document.querySelector( '#reveal .controls' ); dom.controlsLeft = document.querySelector( '#reveal .controls .left' ); dom.controlsRight = document.querySelector( '#reveal .controls .right' ); dom.controlsUp = document.querySelector( '#reveal .controls .up' ); dom.controlsDown = document.querySelector( '#reveal .controls .down' ); // Bind all view events document.addEventListener('keydown', onDocumentKeyDown, false); document.addEventListener('touchstart', onDocumentTouchStart, false); window.addEventListener('hashchange', onWindowHashChange, false); dom.controlsLeft.addEventListener('click', preventAndForward( navigateLeft ), false); dom.controlsRight.addEventListener('click', preventAndForward( navigateRight ), false); dom.controlsUp.addEventListener('click', preventAndForward( navigateUp ), false); dom.controlsDown.addEventListener('click', preventAndForward( navigateDown ), false); // Copy options over to our config object extend( config, options ); // Fall back on the 2D transform theme 'linear' if( supports3DTransforms === false ) { config.transition = 'linear'; } if( config.controls ) { dom.controls.style.display = 'block'; } if( config.progress ) { dom.progress.style.display = 'block'; } if( config.transition !== 'default' ) { dom.wrapper.classList.add( config.transition ); } if( config.theme !== 'default' ) { dom.wrapper.classList.add( config.theme ); } if( config.rollingLinks ) { // Add some 3D magic to our anchors linkify(); } //bind scrolling if(window.addEventListener){ document.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', scrollStep, false); } // Read the initial hash readURL(); } /** * Extend object a with the properties of object b. * If there's a conflict, object b takes precedence. */ function extend( a, b ) { for( var i in b ) { a[ i ] = b[ i ]; } } /** * Prevents an events defaults behavior calls the * specified delegate. * * @param {Function} delegate The method to call * after the wrapper has been executed */ function preventAndForward( delegate ) { return function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); delegate.call(); } } /** * Handler for the document level 'keydown' event. * * @param {Object} event */ function onDocumentKeyDown( event ) { // FFT: Use document.querySelector( ':focus' ) === null // instead of checking contentEditable? if( event.target.contentEditable === 'inherit' ) { if( event.keyCode >= 37 && event.keyCode <= 40 ) { switch( event.keyCode ) { case 37: navigateLeft(); break; // left case 39: navigateRight(); break; // right case 38: navigateUp(); break; // up case 40: navigateDown(); break; // down } slide(); event.preventDefault(); } // Space bar else if ( event.keyCode === 32 && supports3DTransforms ) { if( overviewIsActive() ) { deactivateOverview(); } else { activateOverview(); } event.preventDefault(); } } } /** * Handler for the document level 'touchstart' event. * * This enables very basic tap interaction for touch * devices. Added mainly for performance testing of 3D * transforms on iOS but was so happily surprised with * how smoothly it runs so I left it in here. Apple +1 * * @param {Object} event */ function onDocumentTouchStart( event ) { // We're only interested in one point taps if (event.touches.length === 1) { // Never prevent taps on anchors and images if( event.target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'a' || event.target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'img' ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); var point = { x: event.touches[0].clientX, y: event.touches[0].clientY }; // Define the extent of the areas that may be tapped // to navigate var wt = window.innerWidth * 0.3; var ht = window.innerHeight * 0.3; if( point.x < wt ) { navigateLeft(); } else if( point.x > window.innerWidth - wt ) { navigateRight(); } else if( point.y < ht ) { navigateUp(); } else if( point.y > window.innerHeight - ht ) { navigateDown(); } slide(); } } /** * Handler for the window level 'hashchange' event. * * @param {Object} event */ function onWindowHashChange( event ) { readURL(); } /** * Wrap all links in 3D goodness. */ function linkify() { if( supports3DTransforms ) { var nodes = document.querySelectorAll( '#reveal .slides section a:not(.image)' ); for( var i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++ ) { var node = nodes[i]; if( node.textContent && !node.querySelector( 'img' ) && ( !node.className || !hasClass( node, 'roll' ) ) ) { node.classList.add( 'roll' ); node.innerHTML = '<span data-title="'+ node.text +'">' + node.innerHTML + '</span>'; } }; } } /** * Displays the overview of slides (quick nav) by * scaling down and arranging all slide elements. * * Experimental feature, might be dropped if perf * can't be improved. */ function activateOverview() { dom.wrapper.classList.add( 'overview' ); var horizontalSlides = Array.prototype.slice.call( document.querySelectorAll( HORIZONTAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR ) ); for( var i = 0, len1 = horizontalSlides.length; i < len1; i++ ) { var hslide = horizontalSlides[i], htransform = 'translateZ(-2500px) translate(' + ( ( i - indexh ) * 105 ) + '%, 0%)'; hslide.setAttribute( 'data-index-h', i ); hslide.style.display = 'block'; hslide.style.WebkitTransform = htransform; hslide.style.MozTransform = htransform; hslide.style.msTransform = htransform; hslide.style.OTransform = htransform; hslide.style.transform = htransform; if( !hslide.classList.contains( 'stack' ) ) { // Navigate to this slide on click hslide.addEventListener( 'click', onOverviewSlideClicked, true ); } var verticalSlides = Array.prototype.slice.call( hslide.querySelectorAll( 'section' ) ); for( var j = 0, len2 = verticalSlides.length; j < len2; j++ ) { var vslide = verticalSlides[j], vtransform = 'translate(0%, ' + ( ( j - indexv ) * 105 ) + '%)'; vslide.setAttribute( 'data-index-h', i ); vslide.setAttribute( 'data-index-v', j ); vslide.style.display = 'block'; vslide.style.WebkitTransform = vtransform; vslide.style.MozTransform = vtransform; vslide.style.msTransform = vtransform; vslide.style.OTransform = vtransform; vslide.style.transform = vtransform; // Navigate to this slide on click vslide.addEventListener( 'click', onOverviewSlideClicked, true ); } } } /** * Exits the slide overview and enters the currently * active slide. */ function deactivateOverview() { dom.wrapper.classList.remove( 'overview' ); var slides = Array.prototype.slice.call( document.querySelectorAll( '#reveal .slides section' ) ); for( var i = 0, len = slides.length; i < len; i++ ) { var element = slides[i]; // Resets all transforms to use the external styles element.style.WebkitTransform = ''; element.style.MozTransform = ''; element.style.msTransform = ''; element.style.OTransform = ''; element.style.transform = ''; element.removeEventListener( 'click', onOverviewSlideClicked ); } slide(); } /** * Checks if the overview is currently active. * * @return {Boolean} true if the overview is active, * false otherwise */ function overviewIsActive() { return dom.wrapper.classList.contains( 'overview' ); } /** * Invoked when a slide is and we're in the overview. */ function onOverviewSlideClicked( event ) { // TODO There's a bug here where the event listeners are not // removed after deactivating the overview. if( overviewIsActive() ) { event.preventDefault(); deactivateOverview(); indexh = this.getAttribute( 'data-index-h' ); indexv = this.getAttribute( 'data-index-v' ); slide(); } } /** * Updates one dimension of slides by showing the slide * with the specified index. * * @param {String} selector A CSS selector that will fetch * the group of slides we are working with * @param {Number} index The index of the slide that should be * shown * * @return {Number} The index of the slide that is now shown, * might differ from the passed in index if it was out of * bounds. */ function updateSlides( selector, index ) { // Select all slides and convert the NodeList result to // an array var slides = Array.prototype.slice.call( document.querySelectorAll( selector ) ); if( slides.length ) { // Enforce max and minimum index bounds index = Math.max(Math.min(index, slides.length - 1), 0); slides[index].className = 'present'; for( var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++ ) { var slide = slides[i]; // Optimization; hide all slides that are three or more steps // away from the present slide if( overviewIsActive() === false ) { slide.style.display = Math.abs( index - i ) > 3 ? 'none' : 'block'; } if( i < index ) { // Any element previous to index is given the 'past' class slide.className = 'past'; } else if( i > index ) { // Any element subsequent to index is given the 'future' class slide.className = 'future'; } // If this element contains vertical slides if( slide.querySelector( 'section' ) ) { slide.classList.add( 'stack' ); } } } else { // Since there are no slides we can't be anywhere beyond the // zeroth index index = 0; } return index; } /** * Updates the visual slides to represent the currently * set indices. */ function slide() { indexh = updateSlides( HORIZONTAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR, indexh ); indexv = updateSlides( VERTICAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR, indexv ); // Update progress if enabled if( config.progress ) { dom.progressbar.style.width = ( indexh / ( document.querySelectorAll( HORIZONTAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR ).length - 1 ) ) * window.innerWidth + 'px'; } // Close the overview if it's active if( overviewIsActive() ) { activateOverview(); } updateControls(); writeURL(); } /** * Updates the state and link pointers of the controls. */ function updateControls() { var routes = availableRoutes(); // Remove the 'enabled' class from all directions [ dom.controlsLeft, dom.controlsRight, dom.controlsUp, dom.controlsDown ].forEach( function( node ) { node.classList.remove( 'enabled' ); } ) if( routes.left ) dom.controlsLeft.classList.add( 'enabled' ); if( routes.right ) dom.controlsRight.classList.add( 'enabled' ); if( routes.up ) dom.controlsUp.classList.add( 'enabled' ); if( routes.down ) dom.controlsDown.classList.add( 'enabled' ); } /** * Determine what available routes there are for navigation. * * @return {Object} containing four booleans: left/right/up/down */ function availableRoutes() { var horizontalSlides = document.querySelectorAll( HORIZONTAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR ); var verticalSlides = document.querySelectorAll( VERTICAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR ); return { left: indexh > 0, right: indexh < horizontalSlides.length - 1, up: indexv > 0, down: indexv < verticalSlides.length - 1 }; } /** * Reads the current URL (hash) and navigates accordingly. */ function readURL() { // Break the hash down to separate components var bits = window.location.hash.slice(2).split('/'); // Read the index components of the hash indexh = bits[0] ? parseInt( bits[0] ) : 0; indexv = bits[1] ? parseInt( bits[1] ) : 0; navigateTo( indexh, indexv ); } /** * Updates the page URL (hash) to reflect the current * state. */ function writeURL() { if( config.history ) { var url = '/'; // Only include the minimum possible number of components in // the URL if( indexh > 0 || indexv > 0 ) url += indexh; if( indexv > 0 ) url += '/' + indexv; window.location.hash = url; } } /** * Navigate to the next slide fragment. * * @return {Boolean} true if there was a next fragment, * false otherwise */ function nextFragment() { // Vertical slides: if( document.querySelector( VERTICAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR + '.present' ) ) { var verticalFragments = document.querySelectorAll( VERTICAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR + '.present .fragment:not(.visible)' ); if( verticalFragments.length ) { verticalFragments[0].classList.add( 'visible' ); return true; } } // Horizontal slides: else { var horizontalFragments = document.querySelectorAll( HORIZONTAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR + '.present .fragment:not(.visible)' ); if( horizontalFragments.length ) { horizontalFragments[0].classList.add( 'visible' ); return true; } } return false; } /** * Navigate to the previous slide fragment. * * @return {Boolean} true if there was a previous fragment, * false otherwise */ function previousFragment() { // Vertical slides: if( document.querySelector( VERTICAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR + '.present' ) ) { var verticalFragments = document.querySelectorAll( VERTICAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR + '.present .fragment.visible' ); if( verticalFragments.length ) { verticalFragments[ verticalFragments.length - 1 ].classList.remove( 'visible' ); return true; } } // Horizontal slides: else { var horizontalFragments = document.querySelectorAll( HORIZONTAL_SLIDES_SELECTOR + '.present .fragment.visible' ); if( horizontalFragments.length ) { horizontalFragments[ horizontalFragments.length - 1 ].classList.remove( 'visible' ); return true; } } return false; } /** * Triggers a navigation to the specified indices. * * @param {Number} h The horizontal index of the slide to show * @param {Number} v The vertical index of the slide to show */ function navigateTo( h, v ) { indexh = h === undefined ? indexh : h; indexv = v === undefined ? indexv : v; slide(); } function navigateLeft() { // Prioritize hiding fragments if( overviewIsActive() || previousFragment() === false ) { indexh --; indexv = 0; slide(); } } function navigateRight() { // Prioritize revealing fragments if( overviewIsActive() || nextFragment() === false ) { indexh ++; indexv = 0; slide(); } } function navigateUp() { // Prioritize hiding fragments if( overviewIsActive() || previousFragment() === false ) { indexv --; slide(); } } function navigateDown() { // Prioritize revealing fragments if( overviewIsActive() || nextFragment() === false ) { indexv ++; slide(); } } var stepT=0; function scrollStep(e){ clearTimeout(stepT); stepT=setTimeout(function(){ if(e.detail>0){ if(availableRoutes().down){ navigateDown() }else{ navigateRight() } }else{ if(availableRoutes().up){ navigateUp() }else{ navigateLeft() } } },200); } // Expose some methods publicly return { initialize: initialize, navigateTo: navigateTo, navigateLeft: navigateLeft, navigateRight: navigateRight, navigateUp: navigateUp, navigateDown: navigateDown }; })();