From 51f5d3ac4428e96a5056abc08c27796d412115d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chessmaster <>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 20:52:07 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] bugfixes

 guide/de/dect-phones.adoc         | 17 ++++++++---------
 guide/en_US/dect-phones.adoc      | 19 +++++++++----------
 guide/en_US/pack-list.adoc        |  4 ++--
 guide/en_US/quickstart.adoc       |  2 +-
 guide/en_US/what-is-an-angel.adoc |  5 +++--
 5 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/guide/de/dect-phones.adoc b/guide/de/dect-phones.adoc
index b4cccf8..6b705b4 100644
--- a/guide/de/dect-phones.adoc
+++ b/guide/de/dect-phones.adoc
@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
-== icon:phone[size=fw] SIP-Clients
+== icon:phone[size=fw] SIP-Clients [small]#(DECT-Telefone)#
-NOTE: One of the communication options on the rC3 is the DECT or SIP phone network provided by the POC. +
+NOTE: Eine der Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten auf der rC3 ist das vom POC bereitgestellte DECT- bzw. SIP-Telefonnetz. +
-It is used not only by participants to chat and make appointments, but also by the rC3 teams to network and coordinate with each other.
+Es wird nicht nur von den Teilnehmern zum Quatschen und Verabreden genutzt, sondern auch von den rC3-Teams zur Vernetzung und für Absprachen untereinander.
-Heaven itself uses SIP clients or DECT phones to reach angels who have a phone number registered in the angel system. Registering a phone number for rC3 therefore helps Heaven to reach you during your shift.
-This way you allow heaven to communicate directly without having to look at a specific tab in your browser. Or, you can relay information faster during a shift than you would type it into a chat and be less dependent on the computer as your primary medium.
+Der Himmel selbst nutzt SIP-Clients oder DECT-Telefone, um Engel zu erreichen, die eine Rufnummer im Engelssystem hinterlegt haben. Die Registrierung einer Telefonnummer für die rC3 hilft dem Himmel daher, dich während deiner Schicht zu erreichen.
+So ermöglichst du dem Himmel eine direkte Kommunikation ohne dass du im Browser auf einen bestimmten Tab achten musst. Oder du kannst während einer Schicht Informationen schneller weitergeben als du sie in einen Chat getippt hast und bist unabhängiger von dem Rechner als primärem Medium.
-You can either configure the phone network in your router at home and use an existing phone, or you can use an appropriate[software client].
+Du kannst das Telefonnetz entweder in deinem Router zuhause konfigurieren und ein bestehendes Telefon verwenden oder du nutzt einen entsprechenden[Software-Client].
-=== Important numbers
+=== Wichtige Nummern
 * 1818 CERT
 * 113 Awareness Team
 * 1023 Heaven
-* 1111 Info Desk
+* 1111 Info-Desk
diff --git a/guide/en_US/dect-phones.adoc b/guide/en_US/dect-phones.adoc
index 2d3f6e0..b4cccf8 100644
--- a/guide/en_US/dect-phones.adoc
+++ b/guide/en_US/dect-phones.adoc
@@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
 == icon:phone[size=fw] SIP-Clients
-NOTE: The congress relies heavily on the DECT phone network provided by the POC. +
+NOTE: One of the communication options on the rC3 is the DECT or SIP phone network provided by the POC. +
-Not only is it used by participant to chat and meet-up, it is also used by the teams of congress to interconnect.
+It is used not only by participants to chat and make appointments, but also by the rC3 teams to network and coordinate with each other.
-Heaven itself uses DECT phones to reach angels which provide a DECT phone number in the angel system. Bringing your DECT handheld phone to congress and registering it with the POC helps heaven greatly with many tasks.
+Heaven itself uses SIP clients or DECT phones to reach angels who have a phone number registered in the angel system. Registering a phone number for rC3 therefore helps Heaven to reach you during your shift.
+This way you allow heaven to communicate directly without having to look at a specific tab in your browser. Or, you can relay information faster during a shift than you would type it into a chat and be less dependent on the computer as your primary medium.
-For example, you could be dispatched to check out an area and report back with your finding while you are still on-site, allowing direct communication. Or, you can participate in an access control shift and quickly relay information if someone is trying to access the venue without a valid ticket/wristband.
+You can either configure the phone network in your router at home and use an existing phone, or you can use an appropriate[software client].
-The POC curates a[list of compatible DECT phones]. If you don't have one at home, you can check the list and pick one up at the store for around 25€.
-=== Phonebook
-* 110 Security
-* 112 CERT
+=== Important numbers
+* 1818 CERT
 * 113 Awareness Team
 * 1023 Heaven
-* 1111 Info-Desk
+* 1111 Info Desk
diff --git a/guide/en_US/pack-list.adoc b/guide/en_US/pack-list.adoc
index 0b7ed58..2e4139f 100644
--- a/guide/en_US/pack-list.adoc
+++ b/guide/en_US/pack-list.adoc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-== icon:list[size=fw]  Pack list
+== icon:list[size=fw] Equipment
-Participating as an Angel in the Chaos Community works best if some equipment is present. While most tools which are necessary to perform a task will be provided to you, some items are personal and are best supplied by yourself. This is a pack list on what you might bring. The list is ordered by priority:
+Participating as an angel in the Chaos community works best if you have some equipment with you. This is a list of things you should consider in order to help out in the best way possible. The list is sorted by priority:
 . Device, which has enough power for your shift
 . stable internet connection
diff --git a/guide/en_US/quickstart.adoc b/guide/en_US/quickstart.adoc
index 7af4621..5e8afec 100644
--- a/guide/en_US/quickstart.adoc
+++ b/guide/en_US/quickstart.adoc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 . Create yourself an[angel system account]
-. Arrive at virtual congress venue
+. Arrive at virtual[congress venue]
 . Log in to the platform to be automatically marked as arrived in the angel system
 . Find the heaven und go there
 .. If you have any questions, you can always contact the shift coordinators behind the counter
diff --git a/guide/en_US/what-is-an-angel.adoc b/guide/en_US/what-is-an-angel.adoc
index 65a17dc..14c3cad 100644
--- a/guide/en_US/what-is-an-angel.adoc
+++ b/guide/en_US/what-is-an-angel.adoc
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 == icon:hands-helping[size=fw]  What is an angel?
 NOTE: Everyone who invests their free time in our events is an angel. +
 While the most obvious angels to most attendees are the helpers who staff the tech support, produce the streams, or keep trolls in line on the public channels, there are a multitude of tasks to be done "behind the scenes" that are barely noticeable (or only become visible when something goes wrong).
 All of these people, from a new person helping out at a Chaos event for the first time, to the experienced people in the orga-team who do the demanding planning in the months and weeks leading up to the event - they are all angels.
@@ -9,8 +10,8 @@ All of these people, from a new person helping out at a Chaos event for the firs
 Being an angel also comes with some perks. Though we hope participating is enough of a reward, here is a list of things exclusive to angels.
-* Hanging out at heaven, Angel Hackcenter, using its wardrobe and chill out area
-* Special Badges in the rC3-world
+* Hanging out at heaven, Angel Hackcenter and chill out area
+* Special badges in the rC3-world
 * Community acknowledgement
 === Rewards