from openpyxl import load_workbook import json wb = load_workbook(filename='vortragsplan-13.5..xlsx') ws = wb['Tabelle1'] rooms = [] times = [] data = [] def cval(cell): cv = cell.value if cv: cv = cv.strip() return cv for rows in ws.iter_cols(min_col=2, min_row=1, max_row=1): for cell in rows: room = cval(cell) if room: room = room.strip() if room: rooms.append(cell) for rows in ws.iter_rows(min_col=1, min_row=1, max_row=ws.max_row + 1, max_col=1): for cell in rows: time = cval(cell) if time: times.append(cell) for room in rooms: roomdata = {'name':room.value} timeslots = [] for time in times: timename = time.value be = timename.split('-') timeslot = {'time': time.value, 'begin': be[0].strip(), 'end':be[1].strip()} lecture = {} col = room.col_idx row = time.row fs = cval(ws.cell(row=row, column=col)) if fs: lecture['fs'] = fs titel = cval(ws.cell(row=row + 1, column=col)) if titel: lecture['titel'] = titel name = cval(ws.cell(row=row + 2, column=col)) if name: lecture['name'] = name teaser = cval(ws.cell(row=row + 3, column=col)) if teaser: lecture['teaser'] = teaser aufz = cval(ws.cell(row=row + 3, column=col)) if aufz: lecture['aufz'] = aufz if len(lecture) > 0: lecture['time'] = time.value lecture['room'] = room.value timeslot['lecture'] = lecture timeslots.append(timeslot) roomdata['times'] = timeslots data.append(roomdata) print (data) jsondata = {'schedule':data} with open('../src/www/data/lectures.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(jsondata, outfile, indent=1)