diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e07b31a0fa61a8c63222ed3c53ca99e7d5351ca9..63b8f867612782c393231f8904a998e1535afdb7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ This adds git mirror functionality to gitlab.  The whole purpose of this project
 ### Required software
 * [GitLab 6.x][3]
-* [python-gitlab @ 5da9bc][2]
+* [python-gitlab @ 5da9bc7][2]
 * [GNU coreutils][4]
-* [git][5]
+* [git 1.8.4][5]
 ### Required software install snippets
@@ -43,21 +43,41 @@ Your git should now be located in `/usr/local/bin/git`.  You should edit `/etc/p
 #Installation and Setup
-Create a system user called `gitmirror`.
+Create a system user called `gitmirror` and generate SSH keys.
     adduser gitmirror
     su - gitmirror
-Create `~/.ssh/config` for the `gitmirror` user.
+Create `~/.ssh/config` for the `gitmirror` user.  Add your GitLab server host and the user used to talk to GitLab.
+    Host gitlab.example.com
+        User git
+Create a gitmirror user in gitlab.  Set up the SSH keys with the gitmirror user in GitLab.  Obtain the Private token from the user.
+Clone the git-mirrors repository and set values in config.sh.
+    su - gitmirrors
+    mkdir repositories
+    touch private_token
+    git clone https://comet.irt.drexel.edu/gitlab/gitlab-mirrors.git
+    cd gitlab-mirrors
+    chmod 755 *.sh
+    cp config.sh.SAMPLE config.sh
+Modify the values in `config.sh` for your setup.  Be sure to add your private token for the gitmirror user in gitlab to `~/private_token` of your `gitmirror` system user.
+Once you have set up your `config.sh` let's add the `git-mirrors.sh` script to `crontab`.  Just execute `crontab -e` and add the following value to it.
+    @hourly /home/gitmirror/gitlab-mirrors/git-mirrors.sh
 ## References
-* [Git Mirror](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2756747/mirror-a-git-repository-by-pulling)
-* [Git Push all Branches](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1914579/set-up-git-to-pull-and-push-all-branches)
-* [Git update Mirror](https://github.com/ndechesne/git-mirror/blob/master/git-mirror)
+* [Git mirror](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2756747/mirror-a-git-repository-by-pulling)
+* [Git push all branches](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1914579/set-up-git-to-pull-and-push-all-branches)
+* [Git update mirror](https://github.com/ndechesne/git-mirror/blob/master/git-mirror)
 [1]: https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq/blob/master/doc/api/README.md
 [2]: https://github.com/Itxaka/python-gitlab
diff --git a/config.sh b/config.sh
index 21440fab333f30e29d8250730df40d1a79e5aa07..2bc515279a1b2c6984ad1540e53f1add93cdce00 100644
--- a/config.sh
+++ b/config.sh
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
 # gitlab-mirror settings
 # Gitlab settings
@@ -16,4 +19,4 @@ gitlab_url="https://comet.irt.drexel.edu"
 #Special user you created in Gitlab whose only purpose is to update mirror sites and admin the $gitlab_namespace group.
 #Generate a token for your $gitlab_user and set it here.
-gitlab_user_token_secret="$(head -n1 /home/gitmirror/private_token)"
+gitlab_user_token_secret="$(head -n1 "${user_home}/private_token")"
diff --git a/config.sh.SAMPLE b/config.sh.SAMPLE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..36c20582580fbe1477982fb5ecac37e5b289fa22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.sh.SAMPLE
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#Environment file
+# gitlab-mirrors settings
+#The user git-mirrors will run as.
+# Gitlab settings
+#This is the Gitlab group where all project mirrors will be grouped.
+#This is the web url of your Gitlab server. no trailing slash, just the protocol and server name.
+#Special user you created in Gitlab whose only purpose is to update mirror sites and admin the $gitlab_namespace group.
+#Generate a token for your $gitlab_user and set it here.
+gitlab_user_token_secret="$(head -n1 "${user_home}/private_token")"