From 8a5426fe38f9eca2ea4cae3922b427214a0fa697 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sam Gleske <>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 15:00:24 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] renamed create ->

python-gitlab API has added the ability for public project creation.
This is because of changes in the GitLab 6 API.

I have also added optparse for option parsing so that I can pass
more advanced options and arguments.

I have renamed to
---                | 99 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 lib/ | 61 ----------------------
 lib/ | 81 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 lib/
 create mode 100755 lib/

diff --git a/ b/
index fc522a9..8039f6d 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ usage()
   cat <<EOF
 ${PROGNAME} ${PROGVERSION} - MIT License by Sam Gleske
+  ${PROGNAME} --git|--svn --project NAME --mirror URL
   This will add a git or SVN repository to be mirrored by GitLab.  It 
   first checks to see if the project exists in gitlab.  If it does
@@ -86,20 +89,88 @@ while true; do
+# Program functions
 function preflight() {
   if ${git} && ${svn};then
+    red_echo -n "Must not set " 1>&2
+    yellow_echo -n "--svn" 1>&2
+    red_echo -n " and " 1>&2
+    yellow_echo -n "--git" 1>&2
+    red_echo " options.  Choose one or other." 1>&2
+    STATUS=1
+  if ! ${git} && ! ${svn};then
+    red_echo -n "Must specify the " 1>&2
+    yellow_echo -n "--git" 1>&2
+    red_echo -n " or " 1>&2
+    yellow_echo -n "--svn" 1>&2
+    red_echo "options" 1>&2
+    STATUS=1
+  fi
+  if [ -z "${project_name}" ];then
+    red_echo -n "Missing " 1>&2
+    yellow_echo -n "--project" 1>&2
+    red_echo " option." 1>&2
+    STATUS=1
+  fi
+  if [ -z "${mirror}" ];then
+    red_echo -n "Missing " 1>&2
+    yellow_echo -n "--mirror" 1>&2
+    red_echo " option." 1>&2
+    STATUS=1
+  fi
+  return ${STATUS}
-echo "svn=${svn}"
-echo "git=${git}"
-echo "project_name=${project_name}"
-echo "mirror=${mirror}"
+# Main execution
+#Run a preflight check on options for compatibility.
+if ! preflight;then
+  echo "Command aborted due to previous errors." 1>&2
+  exit 1
+#Check for namespace directory existence
+if [ ! -e "${repo_dir}/${gitlab_namespace}" ];then
+  mkdir -p "${repo_dir}/${gitlab_namespace}"
+elif [ ! -d "${repo_dir}/${gitlab_namespace}" ];then
+  red_echo "Error: \"${repo_dir}/${gitlab_namespace}\" exists but is not a directory." 1>&2
+  exit 1
+#Set up project creation options based on to be passed to create
+if ${issues_enabled};then
+  CREATE_OPTS="--issues ${CREATE_OPTS}"
+if ${wall_enabled};then
+if ${merge_requests_enabled};then
+if ${wiki_enabled};then
+if ${snippets_enabled};then
+  CREATE_OPTS="--snippets ${CREATE_OPTS}"
+if ${public};then
+  CREATE_OPTS="--public ${CREATE_OPTS}"
+#export env vars for python script
+export gitlab_user_token_secret gitlab_url gitlab_namespace gitlab_user
+if ${git};then
@@ -110,26 +181,20 @@ echo "mirror=${mirror}"
-if [ "${#}" -lt "2" ];then
-  echo "Not enough arguments." 1>&2
-  echo "e.g. ./ project_name" 1>&2
-  exit 1
-#export env vars for python script
-export gitlab_user_token_secret gitlab_url gitlab_namespace gitlab_user
 #Get the remote gitlab url for the specified project.
 #If the project doesn't already exist in gitlab then create it.
 echo "Resolving gitlab remote."
-if python lib/ $1 1> /dev/null;then
-  gitlab_remote=$(python lib/ $1)
+if python lib/ $1 1> /dev/null;then
+  gitlab_remote=$(python lib/ $1)
   echo "gitlab remote ${gitlab_remote}"
-  echo "There was an unknown issue with" 1>&2
+  echo "There was an unknown issue with" 1>&2
   exit 1
@@ -144,7 +209,7 @@ cd "$1"
 echo "Adding gitlab remote to project."
 git remote add gitlab ${gitlab_remote}
 git config --add remote.gitlab.push '+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*'
-git config --add remote.gitlab.push '+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*'
+git config --add remote.gitlab.push '+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*'
 #Check the initial repository into gitlab
 echo "Checking the mirror into gitlab."
 git fetch
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2985b44..0000000
--- a/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-#Tue Sep 10 23:01:08 EDT 2013
-from sys import argv,exit,stderr
-import os
-import gitlab
-  project_name=argv[1]
-  token_secret=os.environ['gitlab_user_token_secret']
-  gitlab_url=os.environ['gitlab_url']
-  gitlab_namespace=os.environ['gitlab_namespace']
-  gitlab_user=os.environ['gitlab_user']
-except KeyError:
-  print "Environment config missing.  Do not run this script standalone."
-  exit(1)
-except IndexError:
-  print "No project name specified.  Do not run this script standalone."
-  exit(1)
-def findgroup(gname):
-  #Locate the group
-  found_group=False
-  for group in git.getGroups():
-    if group['name'] == gname:
-      return group
-  else:
-    if not found_group:
-      print >> stderr, "Project namespace (user or group) not found or user does not have permission of existing group."
-      exit(1)
-def findproject(gname,pname):
-  for project in git.getProjects():
-    if project['namespace']['name'] == gname and project['name'] == pname:
-      return project
-  else:
-    return False
-def createproject(pname):
-  description="Public mirror of %s." % project_name
-  new_project=git.createProject(pname,description=description,issues_enabled=False,wall_enabled=False,merge_requests_enabled=False,wiki_enabled=False,snippets_enabled=False)
-  new_project=findproject(gitlab_user,pname)
-  new_project=git.moveProject(found_group['id'],new_project['id'])
-  if findproject(gitlab_namespace,pname):
-    return findproject(gitlab_namespace,pname)
-  else:
-    return False
-if not found_project:
-  found_project=createproject(project_name)
-  if not found_project:
-    #print >> stderr, "There was a problem creating %s/%s.  Did you give %s user Admin rights in gitlab?" % {gitlab_namespace,project_name,gitlab_user}
-    print >> stderr, "There was a problem creating {group}/{project}.  Did you give {user} user Admin rights in gitlab?".format(group=gitlab_namespace,project=project_name,user=gitlab_user)
-    exit(1)
-print found_project['ssh_url_to_repo']
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b0804aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#Tue Sep 10 23:01:08 EDT 2013
+from sys import argv,exit,stderr
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import os
+import gitlab
+  token_secret=os.environ['gitlab_user_token_secret']
+  gitlab_url=os.environ['gitlab_url']
+  gitlab_namespace=os.environ['gitlab_namespace']
+  gitlab_user=os.environ['gitlab_user']
+except KeyError:
+  print >> stderr, "Environment config missing.  Do not run this script standalone."
+  exit(1)
+parser = OptionParser()
+(options,args) = parser.parse_args()
+if len(args) == 0:
+  print >> stderr, "No project name specified.  Do not run this script standalone."
+  exit(1)
+elif len(args) > 1:
+  print >> stderr, "Too many arguments.  Do not run this script standalone."
+  exit(1)
+def findgroup(gname):
+  #Locate the group
+  found_group=False
+  for group in git.getGroups():
+    if group['name'] == gname:
+      return group
+  else:
+    if not found_group:
+      print >> stderr, "Project namespace (user or group) not found or user does not have permission of existing group."
+      exit(1)
+def findproject(gname,pname):
+  for project in git.getProjects():
+    if project['namespace']['name'] == gname and project['name'] == pname:
+      return project
+  else:
+    return False
+def createproject(pname):
+  if options.public:
+    description="Public mirror of %s." % project_name
+  else:
+    description="Git mirror of %s." % project_name
+  new_project=git.createProject(pname,description=description,issues_enabled=options.issues,wall_enabled=options.wall,merge_requests_enabled=options.merge,,snippets_enabled=options.snippets,public=options.public)
+  new_project=findproject(gitlab_user,pname)
+  new_project=git.moveProject(found_group['id'],new_project['id'])
+  if findproject(gitlab_namespace,pname):
+    return findproject(gitlab_namespace,pname)
+  else:
+    return False
+if options.create:
+  found_group=findgroup(gitlab_namespace)
+  found_project=findproject(gitlab_namespace,project_name)
+  if not found_project:
+    found_project=createproject(project_name)
+    if not found_project:
+      print >> stderr, "There was a problem creating {group}/{project}.  Did you give {user} user Admin rights in gitlab?".format(group=gitlab_namespace,project=project_name,user=gitlab_user)
+      exit(1)
+  print found_project['ssh_url_to_repo']