#!/bin/bash #Created by Sam Gleske #MIT License #Created Tue Sep 10 23:01:08 EDT 2013 #USAGE # ./update_mirror.sh project_name #bash option stop on first error set -e #Include all user options and dependencies git_mirrors_dir="${0%/*}" [ -f "${git_mirrors_dir}/config.sh" ] && . "${git_mirrors_dir}/config.sh" . "${git_mirrors_dir}/lib/VERSION" . "${git_mirrors_dir}/lib/functions.sh" if [ ! -f "${git_mirrors_dir}/config.sh" ];then red_echo "config.sh missing! Copy and customize from config.sh.SAMPLE. Aborting." 1>&2 exit 1 fi cd "${git_mirrors_dir}" PROGNAME="${0##*/}" PROGVERSION="${VERSION}" #Default script options project_name="$1" if [ -z "${project_name}" ];then echo "Must specify a project_name!" 1>&2 exit 1 elif [ ! -d "${repo_dir}/${gitlab_namespace}/${project_name}" ];then echo "No git repository for $1! Perhaps run add_mirror.sh?" 1>&2 exit 1 fi cd "${repo_dir}/${gitlab_namespace}/${project_name}" if git config --get svn-remote.svn.url &> /dev/null;then #this is an SVN mirror so update it accordingly git reset --hard git svn fetch git svn rebase git for-each-ref --format="%(objectname:short) %(refname)" refs/remotes/tags | while read ref; do tagname="${ref##*/}" if ! git show-ref --tags | grep -q "refs/tags/${tagname}$"; then echo "Tag does not exist... creating it" objectname="${ref%% *}" GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(git show --format=%aD | head -1)" git tag -a "${tagname}" -m "import '${tagname}' tag from svn" "${objectname}" fi done cd .git git config --bool core.bare true #bug fix for when gitlab is off-line during a cron job the bare setting gets set back to false when the git command fails set +e if ! git push gitlab;then git config --bool core.bare false exit 1 fi set -e git config --bool core.bare false else #just a git mirror so mirror it accordingly git fetch git remote prune origin git push gitlab fi