#!/bin/bash #Tue Sep 10 23:01:08 EDT 2013 #USAGE # ./add_mirror.sh --git --project-name someproject --mirror http://example.com/project.git #bash option stop on first error set -e #Include all user options and dependencies git_mirrors_dir="$(dirname "${0}")" . "${git_mirrors_dir}/config.sh" . "${git_mirrors_dir}/lib/VERSION" . "${git_mirrors_dir}/lib/functions.sh" PROGNAME="${0##*/}" PROGVERSION="${VERSION}" #Default script options svn=false git=false project_name="" mirror="" force=false # # ARGUMENT HANDLING # usage() { cat <<EOF ${PROGNAME} ${PROGVERSION} - MIT License by Sam Gleske USAGE: ${PROGNAME} --git|--svn --project NAME --mirror URL [--authors-file FILE] DESCRIPTION: This will add a git or SVN repository to be mirrored by GitLab. It first checks to see if the project exists in gitlab. If it does not exist then it creates it. It will then clone and check in the first copy into GitLab. From there you must use the update_mirror.sh script or git git-mirrors.sh script. -h,--help Show help -v,--version Show program version --authors-file FILE An authors file to pass to git-svn for mapping SVN users to git users. -f,--force Force add project even if it already exists. --git Mirror a git repository (must be explicitly set) -m,--mirror URL Repository URL to be mirrored. -p,--project-name NAME Set a GitLab project name to NAME. --svn Mirror a SVN repository (must be explicitly set) EOF } #Short options are one letter. If an argument follows a short opt then put a colon (:) after it SHORTOPTS="hvfm:p:" LONGOPTS="help,version,force,git,svn,mirror:,project-name:,authors-file:" ARGS=$(getopt -s bash --options "${SHORTOPTS}" --longoptions "${LONGOPTS}" --name "${PROGNAME}" -- "$@") eval set -- "$ARGS" while true; do case $1 in -h|--help) usage exit 1 ;; -v|--version) echo "${PROGNAME} ${PROGVERSION}" exit 1 ;; --git) git=true shift ;; --svn) svn=true shift ;; -f|--force) force=true shift ;; -p|--project-name) project_name="${2}" shift 2 ;; -m|--mirror) mirror="${2}" shift 2 ;; --authors-file) authors_file="${2}" shift 2 ;; --) shift break ;; *) shift ;; esac done # # Program functions # function preflight() { STATUS=0 if ${git} && ${svn};then red_echo -n "Must not set " 1>&2 yellow_echo -n "--svn" 1>&2 red_echo -n " and " 1>&2 yellow_echo -n "--git" 1>&2 red_echo " options. Choose one or other." 1>&2 STATUS=1 fi if ! ${git} && ! ${svn};then red_echo -n "Must specify the " 1>&2 yellow_echo -n "--git" 1>&2 red_echo -n " or " 1>&2 yellow_echo -n "--svn" 1>&2 red_echo " options." 1>&2 STATUS=1 fi if [ -z "${project_name}" ];then red_echo -n "Missing " 1>&2 yellow_echo -n "--project-name" 1>&2 red_echo " option." 1>&2 STATUS=1 fi if [ -z "${mirror}" ];then red_echo -n "Missing " 1>&2 yellow_echo -n "--mirror" 1>&2 red_echo " option." 1>&2 STATUS=1 fi if [ ! -z "${authors_file}" -a ! -f "${authors_file}" ];then red_echo -n "Specified " yellow_echo -n "--authors-file" red_echo " does not exist!" STATUS=1 fi return ${STATUS} } # # Main execution # #Run a preflight check on options for compatibility. if ! preflight;then echo "Command aborted due to previous errors." 1>&2 exit 1 fi #Check for namespace directory existence if [ ! -e "${repo_dir}/${gitlab_namespace}" ];then mkdir -p "${repo_dir}/${gitlab_namespace}" elif [ ! -d "${repo_dir}/${gitlab_namespace}" ];then red_echo "Error: \"${repo_dir}/${gitlab_namespace}\" exists but is not a directory." 1>&2 exit 1 elif [ -d "${repo_dir}/${gitlab_namespace}/${project_name}" ] && ! ${force};then red_echo "Error: \"${repo_dir}/${gitlab_namespace}/${project_name}\" exists already. Aborting command." 1>&2 exit 1 fi #Resolve the $authors_file path because of changing working directories #/home/gitmirror/mirror-management/Mirrors/gitlab-mirrors/gitlab-mirrors/../authors_files/systems_authors_maps.txt if [ ! -z "${authors_file}" ];then if ! echo "${authors_file}" | grep '^/' &> /dev/null;then authors_file="${PWD}/${authors_file}" authors_file="$(echo ${authors_file} | sed 's#/./#/#g')" fi fi cd "${git_mirrors_dir}" #Set up project creation options based on config.sh to be passed to create manage_gitlab_project.py CREATE_OPTS="" if ${issues_enabled};then CREATE_OPTS="--issues ${CREATE_OPTS}" fi if ${wall_enabled};then CREATE_OPTS="--wall ${CREATE_OPTS}" fi if ${merge_requests_enabled};then CREATE_OPTS="--merge ${CREATE_OPTS}" fi if ${wiki_enabled};then CREATE_OPTS="--wiki ${CREATE_OPTS}" fi if ${snippets_enabled};then CREATE_OPTS="--snippets ${CREATE_OPTS}" fi if ${public};then CREATE_OPTS="--public ${CREATE_OPTS}" fi #export env vars for python script export gitlab_user_token_secret gitlab_url gitlab_namespace gitlab_user #Get the remote gitlab url for the specified project. #If the project doesn't already exist in gitlab then create it. echo "Resolving gitlab remote." if python lib/manage_gitlab_project.py --create --desc "Mirror of ${mirror}" ${CREATE_OPTS} "${project_name}" 1> /dev/null;then gitlab_remote=$(python lib/manage_gitlab_project.py --create --desc "Mirror of ${mirror}" ${CREATE_OPTS} "${project_name}") echo "gitlab remote ${gitlab_remote}" else echo "There was an unknown issue with manage_gitlab_project.py" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ -z "${gitlab_remote}" ];then echo "There was an unknown issue with manage_gitlab_project.py" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if ${git};then #create a mirror echo "Creating mirror from ${mirror}" cd "${repo_dir}/${gitlab_namespace}" git clone --mirror "${mirror}" "${project_name}" cd "${project_name}" #add the gitlab remote echo "Adding gitlab remote to project." git remote add gitlab "${gitlab_remote}" git config --add remote.gitlab.push '+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*' git config --add remote.gitlab.push '+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*' #Check the initial repository into gitlab echo "Checking the mirror into gitlab." git fetch git remote prune origin git push gitlab echo "All done!" elif ${svn};then #create a mirror echo "Creating mirror from ${mirror}" cd "${repo_dir}/${gitlab_namespace}" if [ ! -z "${authors_file}" ];then git svn clone "${mirror}" "${project_name}" ${git_svn_additional_options} --authors-file="${authors_file}" fi fi