Comment out version of ansible-nginx
The 'ansible-nginx' repository at appears to not have any "releases" or "tags". Therefore, when trying to run `ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml` the following error is produced: ```- executing: git clone yetu.ansible-nginx - executing: git archive --prefix=yetu.ansible-nginx/ --output=/var/folders/01/fswx1t811p3_q5bj53yjfhnw0000gn/T/tmpxurhAf.tar v1.0.1 - command git archive --prefix=yetu.ansible-nginx/ --output=/var/folders/01/fswx1t811p3_q5bj53yjfhnw0000gn/T/tmpxurhAf.tar v1.0.1 failed in directory /var/folders/01/fswx1t811p3_q5bj53yjfhnw0000gn/T/tmp6UmHQX - yetu.ansible-nginx was NOT installed successfully. - you can use --ignore-errors to skip failed roles.``` Commenting out the version and running the command again installs the module successfully. It might be worthwhile reporting this as an issue upstream to allow "ansible-galaxy" to better handle this situation (i.e. provide a more meaningful error message or even check that the version exists prior to download)
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