@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ If you want to maintain your code, keep the name consistency between your plays,
It is most likely that you will have a password or certificates in your repository. It is not a good practise to put them in a repository as plain text. You can use [ansible-vault](http://docs.ansible.com/playbooks_vault.html) to encrypt sensitive data. You can refer to [postgresql-password.yml](https://github.com/enginyoyen/ansible-best-practises/blob/master/group_vars/postgresql/postgresql-password.yml) in group variables to see the encrypted file and [postgresql-password-plain.yml](https://github.com/enginyoyen/ansible-best-practises/blob/master/group_vars/postgresql/postgresql-password-plain.yml) to see the plain text file, commented out.
To decrypt the file, you need the vault password, which you can place in your root directory but it MUST NOT be committed to your git repository. You should share the password with you coworkers with some other method than committing to git a repo.
There is also [git-crypt](https://github.com/AGWA/git-crypt) that allow you to work with a key or GPG. Its more transparent on daily work than `ansible-vault`
##8. Project Setup
As it should be very easy to set-up the work environment, all required packages that ansible needs, as well as ansible should be installed very easily. This will allow newcomers or developers to start using ansible project very fast and easy. Therefore, python_requirements.txt file is located at: