- Jul 27, 2017
- Jun 12, 2017
Hakim El Hattab authored
Fix typo
- May 11, 2017
Ben Tsai authored
"proceding" → "proceeding"
- Apr 27, 2017
Hakim El Hattab authored
Hakim El Hattab authored
Hakim El Hattab authored
Hakim El Hattab authored
- Apr 26, 2017
Hakim El Hattab authored
- Apr 21, 2017
Hakim El Hattab authored
- Apr 20, 2017
Adam Spiers authored
Add an option to display advice on whether the current pace of the presentation is on track for the right timing (shown as green), and if not, whether the presenter should speed up (shown as red) or has the luxury of slowing down (blue). The pacing timer can be enabled by configuring by the `defaultTiming` parameter in the `Reveal` configuration block, which specifies the number of seconds per slide. 120 can be a reasonable rule of thumb. Timings can also be given per slide `<section>` by setting the `data-timing` attribute. Both values are in numbers of seconds. When the option is enabled, clicking on the timers will reset the timer to the beginning of the current slide, i.e. as if pacing was perfectly on track, not to zero as if the presentation had just begun.
Adam Spiers authored
Adam Spiers authored
Adam Spiers authored
Adam Spiers authored
and make muting work for negative values
Adam Spiers authored
Adam Spiers authored
This allows us to use different colours for different timers, which will be useful when we add a pacing timer.
Adam Spiers authored
This will allow us to reuse the display code for displaying an additional pacing timer.
Adam Spiers authored
Adam Spiers authored
This can be used by plugins which are concerned with helping the presenter with their pace.
Adam Spiers authored
Adam Spiers authored
This can be used by plugins which are concerned with helping the presenter with their pace.
Adam Spiers authored
- Apr 07, 2017
Hakim El Hattab authored
Hakim El Hattab authored
Fix data-background-video autoplay on iOS Safari
Hakim El Hattab authored
Hakim El Hattab authored
print-pdf layout slide contents to fit stretch elements
Hakim El Hattab authored
print-pdf using callback iso timer
Hakim El Hattab authored
replace cdn.mathjax.org with cdnjs
- Apr 05, 2017
Christian Lawson-Perfect authored
cdn.mathjax.org is shutting down: https://www.mathjax.org/cdn-shutting-down/ This changes the default MathJax URL in the math plugin, as well as references in README.md and test/examples/math.html
- Apr 04, 2017
Hakim El Hattab authored
Hakim El Hattab authored
- Mar 30, 2017
Hakim El Hattab authored
- Mar 23, 2017
Hakim El Hattab authored
- Mar 18, 2017
ADAM STONE authored
- Mar 14, 2017
Manuel Riezebosch authored
layout() and thereby layoutSlideContents() is never invoked when isPrintingPdf() is true so stretch elements are not sized correctly. This is ensured now by invoking the layoutSlideContents from SetupPDF(). There seems no need to scale down like in other PR's is suggested.
Manuel Riezebosch authored
Use window.callPhantom icw page. onCallback to wait for pdf-ready event. From: http://stackoverflow.com/a/28925479/129269