The `--authors-file` option is an optional argument. It serves the same purpose as the `git-svn --authors-file` option. It is an authors file for mapping SVN users to git users. See the [`git-svn(1)`][git-svn-man] man page for more details. Notice in [``](../ there's an option `git_svn_additional_options`. This option affects `` and the creation of a mirror only. It doesn't affect the synchronization of the svn repository. See the [`git-svn(1)`][git-svn-man] man page under `init` COMMAND options.
The `--authors-file` option is an optional argument. It serves the same purpose as the `git-svn --authors-file` option. It is an authors file for mapping SVN users to git users. See the [`git-svn(1)`][git-svn-man] man page for more details.
Notice in [``](../ there's an option `git_svn_additional_options`. This option affects `` and the creation of a mirror only. It doesn't affect the synchronization of the svn repository. See the [`git-svn(1)`][git-svn-man] man page under `init` COMMAND options for available values which can be set.