This documentation outlines steps for you to upgrade from gitlab-mirrors `0.2.x` to gitlab-mirrors `0.3.x`. It is assumed you'll be working on a test instance of gitlab in a production environment. If you only have a single gitlab instance then follow these steps with care and at your own risk.
gitlab-mirrors has been certified to use a new prerequisite library called [pyapi-gitlab]( called python-gitlab). Therefore you must install `pyapi-gitlab` before upgrading `gitlab-mirrors` to the latest edition.
# 1. Disable any cron jobs
If you have cron jobs set up then you'll need to disable them to avoid them launching gitlab-mirrors during your upgrade.
You must remove the previous conflicting library from `/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/python_gitlab-0.1-py2.7.egg` by default on my system. Your system may vary the location. If you're not sure where it's at then you can locate it using `mlocate` package in RHEL.