== icon:hands-helping[size=fw] What is an angel?
NOTE: Everyone who invests their free time in our events is an angel. +
While the most obvious angels to most participants are the helpers staffing the cash desk, checking wrist bands at the doors or selling drinks at the bars, there are tons of jobs to be done "behind the scenes" that are barely noticeable (or only become apparent if something goes wrong).
All these people, from a new person, who sits at a smoker door for one shift at their first congress up to the experienced people in the organization team who do the high level planning in the months and weeks before the event - they all are angels.
=== Perks
Being an angel also comes with some perks. Though we hope participating is enough of a reward, here is a list of things exclusive to angels.
* Hanging out at heaven, Angel Hackcenter, using its wardrobe and chill out area.
* Free coffee and (sparkling) water.
=== Rewards
Having contributed a certain amount of time will also grant you access to:
* Awesome warm vegan and vegetarian meals.
* Sleeping arrangements at nearby gyms.
* The famous limited™ Angel T-Shirt in congress design.
.Resources Limitations
Please keep in mind that our resources are limited. Not everyone might get a T-Shirt, and meals and sleeping arrangements are also finite resources.
IMPORTANT: Helping at our events also comes with some simple but important expectations of you. +
* Be on time to your shift or give heaven notice early.
* Be open-minded and friendly spirited.
* Live our moral values:
** Be friendly to each other.
** All creatures are welcome.
=== Child Angels
NOTE: Most angel jobs on our events are designed with adults in mind. +
While we do not ask for your passport to check your legal age, we will probably not hand you an angel badge if you are clearly underage. In general, children should never be left unattended and therefore are not allowed to sign up for any angel shifts themselves when not accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
However, every day is "bring your kid to work day", so if your kids are old enough to attend our events, you can bring them to most of the angel shifts as well.
Please come by heaven and talk to our shift coordinators and we will arrange everything as needed. Of course, if your kids want to get an angel badge as well, they can get one and they will also be eligible for a T-shirt if they work enough shifts.
NOTE: Sadly, we are currently not able to provide children's size T-shirts. +
Nonetheless, please come to heaven and let us add your kid to any shifts as "n+1" instead of simply signing them up since the required number of angels needed for a shift is calculated on the basis of adults.
Please note that there are a few exceptions to this rule:
* Children **may not work bar shifts** due to the handling of alcoholic beverages.
* Children will be **denied access to the LOC** due to the heavy machinery and other work-related dangers in that area, so even if the shift itself may be appropriate, you will probably not be able to get there.
In addition, if you want to bring your kids to a shift that needs a special angel type introduction, please ask the appropriate angel type supporter(s) beforehand if this is okay.
=== Restricted Angeltypes
As you may have seen in the Angelsystem, there are a few types of Angels that you can join just like that and some types of Angels that are restricted. Normally, any task that doesn't require much introduction will have the unrestricted "Angel" angeltype. All other tasks require some form of introduction like into used hardware or other requirements, such as certain licenses, certifications, language skills, or other expertise. Paramedics, firefighters or persons with hygiene certificates may need to be certified as such.
Usually the requirements for joining an angeltype are included in the description of the angeltype. Typically, this is the attendance of an introduction meeting in which the necessary specialist knowledge is communicated or the requirements for the type are checked (certificates, licenses, ...). These introduction meetings are announced in the angelsystem under the tab "Meetings". If you have successfully participated in an introduction meeting, you will be activated for the respective angeltype and can then register for suitable shifts.
If there are any further questions, the description of the angeltype usually includes contact data such as a DECT number or an e-mail address that can be used. Alternatively, you can also ask one of the persons of the respective angeltype mentioned under "Supporter".